Vitamin Expert

Tag - Antioxidants

Vitamin Health: Vitamin C

Vitamin C is probably the most well known and understood of all the vitamins and it’s also one of the hardest working! Find out everything you need to know about vitamin C.

Herbal Help: boost your energy naturally

Feeling low in energy and lacking in get-up-and-go? If you feel like you've lost your drive, help is at hand.

Clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares some top herbs which can help you find your mojo again.

Holiday Health: how to stay well abroad

Holidays should be all about relaxation and fun. But all too often little niggles can put a damper on your well-earned break. Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke shares some top tips on how to have a healthier holiday.

The benefits of berries

Berries are known as super fruits due to the wealth of health benefits they provide. Clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five berries and why we should all be eating them.

Spring clean your diet

Spring has sprung and it’s a great time to swap any bad dietary habits for some healthier ones. Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer gives us her five top tips for cleaning up your diet.