Vitamin Expert

Tag - Calcium

Close up of a woman holding a large red heart

Look after your heart

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. But there are many ways you can reduce your risk. Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares some of her dietary tips for keeping heart healthy.

Foods containing magnesium

Mineral Health: Magnesium

Magnesium performs many important functions in the body. Find out all you need to know about this mineral.

Q & A: Herb, Vitamin, Mineral. What’s the difference?

"What’s the difference between a herbal medicine and a vitamin and a mineral supplement? I am middle-aged and relatively healthy but feel I should be taking some additional nutrients" Clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer...

A selection of dairy products


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and, as such, one of the most important.


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays a very important role in numerous enzyme reactions.


Phosphorus is present in your bones and teeth, and forms part of the energy molecule, ATP, used in most biochemical reactions in the body.

A selection of dairy products

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it’s predominantly produced on the skin in the presence of sunlight.