Vitamin Expert

Tag - Panax Ginseng

Close up of ginseng root and broth

Herb Health: Korean Ginseng

Used for thousands of years to enhance longevity and quality of life, this herb from the East is often referred to as ‘nature’s cure all’. Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke introduces Korean Ginseng and explores its...

Close up of woman running in a park

Refuel your energy tank

Feeling lethargic? Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke looks at some natural remedies to help lift our energy.

Close up of woman looking lout of a window whilst feeling sad

Herb Health: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Feeling gloomy? Don’t despair - there are things you can do and herbs you can take to bring some sunshine into your life. Editor Jane Garton shares some natural remedies that can help brighten the darker days.

Man and woman in bed facing away from each other

Herb Health: Libido Lifters

Not feeling the love? There are plenty of reasons for losing your sex drive and thankfully lots of ways herbs can help. Editor Jane Garton shares some herbs that may help give your love life a boost.

Close up of woman in black and white looking sad

Herb Health: Low Mood

It is completely normal to feel down from time to time but sometimes those feelings can linger. Editor Jane Garton looks at some natural remedies which could help brighten your outlook.